Since I'm so hopelessly bad at describing colors, I'll let the pictures do most of the talking this time. In case you were wondering though, the one swatch that isn't labeled is a duplicate of Wicked, which definitely caused much confusion when I was trying to label this picture today. I think it's safe to say that the colors in the picture are pretty true to life, though I think the pink/red shimmer in Avenging Salem didn't show up very well. The multicolor-ness of the sparkles in Immortality was also not captured well, and so were the sparkles in Lights of Tokyo. (Perhaps partly because I smeared LoT before I took the picture ~><~ One of my fingers accidentally swiped over Hypercool and LoT, which is why you can kind of see that smear mark on Hypercool.)
Here are more pictures taken at different angles:
My favorites out of this batch were Atomic Afterglow, Valhalla, and Immortality. Atomic Afterglow is just this very awesome silvery, rusty pewter color. It's one part silver, one part gold, and one part light green. I'm probably not doing it justice with my description or the pictures, so you just really have to check it out for yourself. Valhalla is not as interesting per se, but it's a very beautiful shimmery gray-ish mauvey color. Again, please check it out for yourself. Immortality, on the other hand, is just wickedly sparkly. It's probably one of the most sparkly shades Fyrinnae produces, which is saying a lot since they come up with a number of amazingly sparkly colors. Speaking of sparkly, Medieval Haunting is also pretty wickedly sparkly. And Kung Pao is gorgeous, too. So is Blue-Footed Booby...and Sea Otter...and...I'll stop, but you get the point ^_^
All pictures in the post were taken under white light.
In short: More Fyrinnae awesome-ness! How can you resist the mini's at $2 a pop?
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