The star of this batch (for me) is Fire Opal. It's a very interesting blend of sooty gray with copper shimmer. I don't know what an actual fire opal looks like, but the color reminds me of embers from a bonfire or campfire. I also really love Platinum, Starfish, and Sake & Sashimi. Platinum is like a whitened pewter half way between silver and a champagne gold. Starfish is not as unique at first glance, but it is a mauve with gold shimmer that looks slightly coppery when applied. Sake & Sashimi is a tree-bark-colored brown with fine green shimmers. I have no idea why they named it Sake & Sashimi, but the color evokes an imagery of ancient forests for me. The other colors are also gorgeous, but I'll stop babbling ^_^
Here are more pictures under direct sunlight (so you can see the sparkles ^^):
Pictures under indirect sunlight:
Note that I couldn't all of the colors to show up true to life in all of the pictures. Tasmanian Devil looks a bit more pink in reall life, and Android Angel is a very cool purple and not as blue as it appears here. Also, Changeling is a very very dark purpley plum color despite the purple-ness not showing up well in the pictures.
All pictures were taken under natural light.
In short: Fyrinnae is a great go-to store for unique eyeshadow colors!